mother – Hosted IM World A Place For Information, News, and Resources Concerning Hosted Instant Messaging Thu, 16 Jul 2009 04:46:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Do your parents use IM? Thu, 16 Jul 2009 04:46:17 +0000 My mom just joined facebook about six months ago, but I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to seeing her status updates and profile up on my news feed when I log in. She posts pictures and we even occasionally talk over Facebook Chat.

Besides joining Facebook, my mom also uses the MSN instant messenger almost every night to talk with her significant other, who lives in another small town about 30 minutes away. Because they cannot see each other every day, they use IM to stay in touch.

When I first started using instant messenger ten years ago, I never thought I would see my mom using it on a regular basis to communicate. But I definitely think that my mom uses IM for reasons other than why I did ten years ago. She uses it to converse — to talk seriously, update people close to her about her day, and to relay important information. Ten years ago (and even now, occasionally) I use(d) instant messaging for gossip, asking basic questions I need an answer right away on, and sharing interesting news links and websites.

Even though my mom and I use instant messengers in different ways, we have one thing in common — we use it to communicate. Even though the information sent and received may vary, and the amount and length of conversations ranges from short to long, we use instant messaging to talk to our friends and family.

Comunication is Key.
